Have You Thanked Your Mentors?

I have been thinking about some of the mentors in my career and the impact they had on me. There have been several men and women who showed up just when I needed them and gave me a powerful boost of confidence. They were happy to share their knowledge and encouraged me to try new things. Most importantly, they saw all of my future potential. As I think about some of these people I wonder if they know just how pivotal they were at some important crossroads on my journey. I think a lot of times we assume that people know how much they helped us out but they underestimate the important role they played.

An Invitation for You

I’m feeling inspired to reach out to all of my generous guides and let them know how much I appreciated their encouragement. Who have been some of the mentors in your life? Have you told them how much you valued all of their support? It’s interesting, when you’re at a funeral you hear all of these beautiful stories about the deceased. Above all, how they did so much to help the people around them. When I have asked guests if they told this person the profound impact they had on their lives? Many said they had not done so in a formalized way. Let this post be an invitation for you to reach out to some of your incredible mentors and thank them. These could be people you worked with over twenty years ago, it doesn’t matter. It’s never too late to share your gratitude.

This is also a moment to reflect on how you’re contributing to the lives of your colleagues, friends and family. Who have you mentored? How can you go out of your way to help someone who is trying to navigate their career?

Today I want to say thank you to Brad, Geoff, Robin, Jane, Adam, Michael and Ian for being such incredible mentors! I would not be where I am today without all of your kindness, trust, championing and wisdom. Who do you want to say thank you to today? Go give them a call, write an email or surprise them with a thank you card in the mail.

Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Are you ready to make some meaningful changes in your work or life? Email me at kristen@kristenharcourt.com to book a coaching conversation.

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